What are the dangers of high D-dimer
High D-dimer is a sign of blood hypercoagulability in the body, which may cause thrombotic diseases and increase health risks. Its increase is not only closely related to serious diseases such as venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, and cerebral infarction, but may also indicate secondary hyperfibrinolysis, and the potential impact cannot be ignored.
In the face of elevated D-dimer, patients should remain vigilant and seek medical attention promptly. The following is a detailed explanation of the high hazards of D-dimer and response strategies:
1. Risk of thrombotic diseases
Rising levels of D-dimer often indicate thrombotic diseases such as Venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, cerebral infarction, etc. These diseases may lead to ischemic necrosis of vital organs, which may be life-threatening in severe cases. For this kind of situation, doctors may recommend the use of anticoagulant drugs such as aspirin enteric-coated tablets and warfarin sodium tablets to reduce blood hypercoagulability.
2. Hyperfibrinolysis
High D-dimer may also reflect secondary hyperfibrinolysis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, organ transplant rejection, etc. Related, may lead to massive bleeding, shock, etc. Treatment requires targeted drugs such as thrombolytic drug urokinase injection according to the specific cause.
3. Markers of various disease states
Tumors, infections, trauma, etc. may also cause an increase in D-dimer. This requires doctors to comprehensively consider the patient's overall condition during the diagnosis and treatment process and formulate a personalized treatment plan.
4. Lifestyle adjustment
In addition to drug treatment, patients should also pay attention to lifestyle adjustments, such as maintaining a balanced diet, increasing water intake, and avoiding sitting for long periods of time. Reduce the risk of thrombosis.
5. Regular monitoring and timely medical treatment
Regular monitoring of D-dimer levels and timely detection and treatment of abnormalities are important measures to prevent the occurrence of related diseases. Once symptoms of discomfort occur, seek medical attention immediately to avoid delaying treatment.