Learn in an article: What is the recipe of Dachengqi Soup?

☘In medicine, Dachengqi Decoction is a common Chinese medicine prescription, but it has unique effects and has become a common drug in clinical Chinese medicine, but many people do not know the formula of this drug. So, what is the recipe for Dachengqi Soup?

👉Dachengqi Decoction is a classic prescription used in clinical Chinese medicine to treat Yangming Fu syndrome. Its formula consists of four medicinal herbs: rhubarb, Glauber's salt, citrus aurantium and Magnolia officinalis. Each medicinal ingredient contains unique medicinal properties, and together they can reduce heat knots and clear away heat and clear the bowels. 👈

Effects of Dachengqi Decoction:

🔶Junxia Hot Knot: Dachengqi Decoction is a classic prescription for treating Yangming Fu syndrome. Yangming fu syndrome refers to the abnormal transport and transformation function of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in dampness and food accumulation, causing gastrointestinal excess and heat syndrome.

🔶 Clear away heat and purge fire: The medicinal materials such as rhubarb and Glauber's salt in Dachengqi Decoction have the effect of clearing away heat and purging fire, which can reduce the inflammatory reaction in the body and relieve symptoms caused by heat toxins.

📢 During the period of taking this drug to treat diseases, nursing measures need to be taken to facilitate the absorption of the drug. The specific content is as shown in the figure.

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Friendly reference: the above is for reference only, please follow your doctor's instructions for specific treatment.

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