How often to do acupuncture
As a traditional Chinese medicine method, the frequency of acupuncture treatment is not static, but should be comprehensively considered based on the patient's specific condition, physical condition, and treatment stage. Therefore, there is no fixed answer to how often acupuncture should be performed.
For acute conditions, such as colds, acute pain, etc., the frequency of acupuncture treatment is usually relatively high. In the early stages of treatment, daily acupuncture may be needed to quickly relieve symptoms and promote recovery. As the condition improves, the frequency of treatment can be gradually reduced.
For chronic diseases, such as facial paralysis, insomnia, chronic pain, etc., the cycle of acupuncture treatment is often longer. This type of disease may require acupuncture once a day, with continuous acupuncture for a period of time and then a few days of rest before the next course of treatment. This periodic treatment can help consolidate the curative effect and reduce recurrence of the condition.
For cyclical diseases, such as migraine, dysmenorrhea, etc., acupuncture treatment needs to be continued until the next onset period is exceeded to ensure that the disease is effectively controlled.
In addition to the above situations, there are some special circumstances that need to be considered. For example, for diseases with sequelae, the frequency of acupuncture may be further reduced; for acupuncture for health care purposes, the frequency may be even lower.
It is worth noting that the combination of drugs for acupuncture treatment is also very important. Common drugs include ibuprofen, etoricoxib and diclofenac sodium. These drugs can be combined with acupuncture treatment under the guidance of a doctor. Use to enhance treatment effectiveness.