Can acupuncture treat kidney deficiency

Acupuncture can generally treat kidney deficiency. By stimulating specific acupoints, acupuncture can regulate kidney function and relieve symptoms of kidney deficiency.

The principle of acupuncture in treating kidney deficiency is to stimulate the body's inherent self-healing ability by stimulating acupoints. During the acupuncture process, doctors will select key kidney-tonifying points such as Shenshu, Taixi, and Mingmen, and use reinforcing and purging techniques to achieve the purpose of harmonizing qi and blood, warming and tonifying kidney yang.

According to different symptoms of kidney deficiency, acupuncture treatment also needs to be individualized. For example, for patients with weak waist and knees, acupuncture at Shenshu and Mingmen points can strengthen kidney qi and relieve symptoms; for those with dizziness and tinnitus, stimulation of Yongquan and Taixi points can nourish yin and reduce fire, improving the condition.

In addition to acupuncture treatment, the combined use of traditional Chinese medicine is also an important means of treating kidney deficiency. Drugs such as Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Jingui Shenqi Pills and Yougui Pills can further nourish the kidneys and improve the therapeutic effect on the basis of acupuncture.

During acupuncture treatment, patients should pay attention to keeping the acupuncture site clean to avoid infection; avoid strenuous exercise and rest appropriately after acupuncture; maintain a regular schedule during treatment and avoid staying up late and overexertion. If symptoms of discomfort occur, seek medical attention promptly.

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Friendly reference: the above is for reference only, please follow your doctor's instructions for specific treatment.

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