Acupuncture treatment for dizziness
Dizziness is a common symptom, and acupuncture, as a traditional Chinese medicine, has a significant effect in treating dizziness. Acupuncture effectively relieves dizziness symptoms by stimulating specific acupoints, harmonizing qi and blood, and balancing yin and yang.
1. The principle of acupuncture treating dizziness
The principle of acupuncture treating dizziness is to stimulate acupuncture points to promote blood circulation in the brain and relieve vasospasm, thereby improving the blood supply to the brain. At the same time, acupuncture can also regulate nervous system function, relieve mental stress, and help reduce dizziness.
2. Acupuncture methods for different causes of dizziness
Inverse dizziness of Qi and blood: For dizziness caused by high blood pressure, acupuncture can be performed on acupuncture points such as Fengchi and Baihui. To lower blood pressure and relieve dizziness.
Cervical spondylosis-type dizziness: For cervical dizziness, acupuncture points such as Fengchi and Tianzhu can be selected to relieve neck muscle tension and improve blood supply to the brain.
Deficiency dizziness: For dizziness caused by anemia, etc., you can choose tonic acupoints such as Zhongwan and Qihai to replenish qi and blood and treat dizziness.
3. Cooperate with drug treatment
At the same time as acupuncture treatment, drug treatment can be combined according to the specific cause of dizziness. For example, antihypertensive drugs can be used for hypertensive dizziness; blood-tonifying drugs can be used for anemic dizziness; drugs that relax muscles and activate collaterals, such as Chuanxiong, Pueraria, and Angelica dahurica, can be used to enhance the therapeutic effect.
4. Precautions
Acupuncture treatment for dizziness must be performed by a professional doctor and avoid self-treatment. At the same time, patients should maintain good work and rest habits and reduce bad postures such as lowering their heads for long periods of time to prevent the recurrence of dizziness.
As a non-drug treatment, acupuncture has a significant effect on dizziness symptoms. By selecting appropriate acupuncture points for different types of dizziness, and combining with drug treatment, the patient's dizziness symptoms can be effectively improved and the quality of life can be improved.