Can acupuncture treat cough

Acupuncture can generally treat coughs. It is a treatment method that, under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine theory, stimulates specific acupoints on the body to adjust the function of the organs, relieve the lungs and relieve coughs.

Acupuncture treatment for cough generally has less side effects and is safer. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that although cough is located in the lungs, it is closely connected with dysfunction of the spleen, kidneys and other internal organs. Acupuncture can dredge meridians and reconcile qi and blood by stimulating acupuncture points such as Hegu, Lieque, Fengmen, and Feishu, thereby achieving the purpose of treating cough. Moreover, acupuncture can stimulate the nervous system and promote the release of endogenous analgesic substances to relieve the discomfort caused by coughing. At the same time, acupuncture can also regulate the immune system, improve the body's resistance, help inflammation subside, and thereby relieve cough symptoms.

When acupuncture is used to treat cough, it can also be combined with drug treatment to improve the efficacy. During acupuncture treatment, patients should keep adequate rest, avoid excessive fatigue, and pay attention to personal hygiene to prevent infection.

If discomfort occurs or the original symptoms worsen during acupuncture treatment for cough, you should seek medical treatment in time.

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Friendly reference: the above is for reference only, please follow your doctor's instructions for specific treatment.

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