Is acupuncture useful for epilepsy

Acupuncture treatment for epilepsy has a certain auxiliary effect. By stimulating acupoints, acupuncture can regulate qi and blood in the meridians, thereby reducing the frequency and severity of epileptic seizures to a certain extent.

Acupuncture can help regulate nervous system function and help stabilize the neurological status of patients with epilepsy. Secondly, acupuncture can relieve epilepsy-related symptoms, such as anxiety and depression, and improve patients' quality of life. In addition, acupuncture provides strong support for the treatment of epilepsy by improving overall health and enhancing patients' immunity and self-healing abilities.

However, acupuncture is not a radical cure for epilepsy. Its efficacy varies from person to person, and it cannot replace conventional treatments such as anti-epileptic drugs. When choosing acupuncture treatment, patients should choose a regular medical institution and perform it under the guidance of a professional doctor.

At the same time as acupuncture treatment, patients also need to take anti-epileptic drugs as directed by their doctor. These drugs can effectively control epileptic seizures and reduce their damage to the brain. Patients need to receive regular evaluations from doctors and adjustments to treatment plans to ensure maximum treatment effects.

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Friendly reference: the above is for reference only, please follow your doctor's instructions for specific treatment.

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