Is acupuncture good during menstruation

Whether acupuncture is appropriate during menstruation depends on individual circumstances and specific symptoms. Acupuncture, as a traditional Chinese medicine therapy, has a positive effect on relieving menstrual pain and regulating endocrine, but it also has potential risks. Therefore, when women choose menstrual acupuncture, they should consider their own conditions and consult professional doctors.

Acupuncture can reconcile yin and yang and dredge the meridians. It can significantly relieve symptoms such as dysmenorrhea and back pain during menstruation. At the same time, it can also regulate endocrine and improve the stability of the menstrual cycle.

Acupuncture may promote blood circulation and increase menstrual blood volume, which may be detrimental to women with heavy menstruation. Acupuncture may affect uterine contractions, which can prolong menstrual periods and increase the risk of infection. Some women may have allergic reactions to acupuncture, such as skin itching, redness, and swelling.

Before receiving acupuncture treatment, you should inform your doctor about your menstrual cycle and symptoms. During menstrual acupuncture, you should avoid stimulating acupoints closely related to the reproductive system, such as Guanyuan point, Zhongji point, etc. Acupuncture treatment must be performed by professional physicians to ensure safety and effectiveness. After acupuncture, you should closely observe your body's reaction and seek medical advice promptly if you feel any discomfort.

While receiving acupuncture treatment, you can supplement it with motherwort granules, angelica Yangxue pills and other drugs that have the functions of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, regulating menstruation and analgesic under the guidance of a doctor to enhance the therapeutic effect.

To sum up, acupuncture during menstruation is not absolutely suitable or contraindicated, but should be judged according to personal constitution and specific symptoms. When choosing acupuncture treatment, be sure to consult a professional doctor to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

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Friendly reference: the above is for reference only, please follow your doctor's instructions for specific treatment.

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